Most Useless Degrees To Stay Away From

What makes you want to attend college? to improve your abilities and knowledge so you can become more useful and produce a living that is respectable.

What if, though, your degree is useless? What if it’s neither time nor money well spent?

The most pointless degrees that won’t help you advance in life will be covered in this post.

Most Useless Degrees To Stay Away From
Most Useless Degrees To Stay Away From

What Makes a College Degree Useless?

A college degree that doesn’t teach you anything new or equip you with any useful skills is useless. A meaningless degree won’t help you advance your career or present you with many employment opportunities.

The question of whether a degree will be beneficial in the future is not the only one; it should also be relevant today. You must acquire fresh knowledge that will help you now. Therefore, you must assess the entire program and determine whether it is assisting you.

If the response is negative, then it is probably pointless. If the response is somewhat affirmative, then perhaps it is still worthwhile to pursue. However, there is really little point in investing your time and money on a pointless degree if the response is negative.

Many pointless degrees are floating around out there. Some are helpful, while others aren’t as helpful for a wealthy or successful profession.

So let’s look at some of the dumbest and most pointless degrees available.

Most Useless College Degrees

This is a list of the most useless degrees to get, in alphabetical order.

Just because a college degree is on this list, it doesn’t mean the degree is completely useless either. It could still be worthwhile, depending on the circumstances. It may mean the degree is in less demand and there are less career opportunities once you graduate. 

1. Advertising

A degree in advertising will educate you how to write advertisements and develop marketing campaigns. This is not necessarily negative if you wind up working for an advertising firm.

However, advertising businesses are notoriously fiercely competitive workplaces. They are searching for individuals with sales experience. Therefore, they hire individuals with specialized skill sets, such as sales, public relations, writing, etc.

Those skill sets typically come from other college degrees, which a major in advertising may not provide.

As more and more advertising has shifted to digital marketing, possibilities for advertising majors are also diminishing. The job market for advertising grads is becoming increasingly competitive.

Learn more about How Hard an Advertising Degree is.

2. Anthropology and Archeology

Anthropology and Archeology Degrees
Anthropology and Archeology Degrees

Anthropology and archeology are two distinct subfields within the broader discipline of anthropology. Archeology is the study of previous cultures through artifacts, whereas anthropology investigates the present culture of humans across all continents.

Both disciplines demand in-depth knowledge of languages, especially ancient languages, and cultural traditions.

Each can lead to positions in museums, universities, and other institutions. However, the popularity of both of these fields is waning. Archeologists and anthropologists have less and fewer job opportunities accessible.

An anthropology or archeology degree may not be as valuable as a science degree.

3. Art History

Artists and designers are always looking for ways to express themselves. Art historians are interested in the history of art and how it evolved. Students who major in art history often take courses in art composition as well. They also study the history of art through each time period.

Many art historians go on to become teachers or professors. However, even though they have a lot of knowledge about art, it’s not easy to get a job in the field. Most places that specialize in art want to see a long resume with lots of experience. 

Art history majors often struggle to find employment after graduation because of the lack of skills required to get hired. 

4. Communications and Journalism

Journalism and communications are closely related fields. A major in communications teaches students how to successfully communicate through written and vocal means. Many students majoring in communications also learn how to use social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Journalism majors concentrate on news reporting and narratives.

Communications and journalism graduates have a difficult difficulty finding employment. In reality, several schools no longer offer degrees in communications and journalism due to a reduction in student demand.

Learn more about Whether a Journalism Degree is Useless

5. Creative Writing

Students can explore their creativity through creative writing courses. Students can find their unique voices and writing styles thanks to them. Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, and playwriting are among the forms of creative writing that are included in some classes.

Those who major in creative writing typically work in publishing or education. These aren’t always the best solutions, though. Make sure you are prepared with a portfolio upon graduation if you choose to pursue a profession in creative writing.

Consider merely writing if you want to pursue a career in creative writing and eventually publish a book. The majority of authors don’t major in creative writing before penning their debut novel.

6. Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Degree
Criminal Justice Degree

Many students dream about becoming police officers or FBI agents, so they major in criminal justice. But the reality most of the time is you will be working in an office doing paperwork.

Becoming a police office or FBI agent usually requires different skills. You should research what position you’re interested in and see what major is best for that. Whatever your interest, you need to determine whether criminal justice is right for you.

7. Culinary Arts

Students who study in culinary arts learn all facets of food preparation. This encompasses all types of cooking and baking, as well as catering. Students can gain new skills while working in restaurants and hotels through Johnson & Wales University’s culinary arts program.

There are more jobs than ever because the culinary arts sector is expanding quickly. You can start earning money sooner if you choose this degree as well.

Not how to get ready for your career, but how to cook, is what you learn in culinary school. Students learn how to chop vegetables and mix spices, but they do not acquire knowledge that will enable them to find employment in a restaurant or hotel. As a result, getting employment as a chef can be difficult for many recent grads.

There are a variety of methods to start if you want to pursue a profession in cooking. If you want to become a professional chef, you could enroll in culinary school or a trade school. This will open up a wider selection of specialized cooking courses and assist you in becoming ready for the demanding criteria of becoming a professional chef.

8. Education

Many students choose an Education degree to become teachers because they love teaching kids. While this is a noble goal, not all students will end up loving teaching in the long term. 

For those who continue in teaching, they often find that their degree doesn’t help them in the long run. Teachers who specialize in certain areas are hired to teach specific subjects. These subjects vary greatly depending on the school district. Preschool teachers must be certified before they can start teaching. Special education teachers must have additional training.

Elementary and middle school teachers must complete an endorsement program. High school teachers must have a bachelor’s degree in a specific subject. All of these programs require additional time and money.

Education majors must first choose a specialization. Specializations are areas of study within an educational discipline. Education majors often specialize in specific subjects like math, science, English, history (social studies), and even art.

These specialties require additional training and post-graduate degrees before students can begin working as teachers. Students also need to complete student teaching placements before they can apply for jobs. Once they have received all of the necessary training and endorsements, education majors will be ready to start looking for jobs.

9. Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship degrees are great if you want to start your own company, but they aren’t always enough to land a well paying job after graduation. Entrepreneurship programs are designed to help students understand what it takes to run a successful business, but they often lack practical experience. Students need to gain hands-on experience before pursuing an entrepreneurial career.

Getting an entrepreneurship degree by itself isn’t the most useful thing. Most students graduate with no idea of how to start a business or how to manage employees. They may know how to code websites, design logos, write marketing copy, and market products, but they don‘t know how to do any of these things when it comes to running a business.

Students should consider taking classes outside of the Entrepreneurship major to learn how to run a business in certain areas.

10. Ethnic and Civilization Studies

If a student wants to learn about the past of many cultures and communities, earning a degree in ethnic and civilisation studies is an excellent choice. With a degree in this area, they can learn about the variations among distinct social groups and the reasons behind their behavior.

Students will learn more about how culture affects society as well. They will be equipped to assist others in overcoming stereotypes and cultural obstacles as a result.

Students are less likely to find a solid job straight immediately with this degree alone, though. To increase their value to future employers, they should enroll in some courses in additional professions. Ethnic and culture studies might make a nice second major or minor.

11. Fashion Design

Fashion Design Degree
Fashion Design Degree

Although it might not be the best option for a job after graduation, a fashion design degree might be beneficial for those interested in designing apparel. Students that pursue degrees in this field learn how to design clothing utilizing materials, patterns, and hues. A fashion designer’s objective is to create new, original, and stylish designs.

The path to becoming a fashion designer can take many different forms. Some people opt to attend art school, while others attend a nearby college to earn an associate’s degree. No matter the route taken, there are still a lot of steps needed to become a prosperous fashion designer.

Having a degree in fashion design does not ensure that you can start working as a fashion designer right away. With just a degree, it can be challenging to find employment as a fashion designer. When applying for jobs, the portfolio might be more crucial to your ability to sell yourself.

12. Film, Video, and Photographic Arts

Film, video, and photographic arts majors dream of working as as photographers, videographers, editors, directors, producers, cinematographers, set designers, makeup artists, costume designers, and more. Many film and photography jobs require years of training and practice, so students shouldn’t expect to start working right out of college.

These industries will usually have high competition and it doesn’t require you to have a degree in those areas either. These degrees teach students to capture their artistic talent. While this is a legitimate career choice, it’s unlikely that someone will become very successful at capturing images if they aren’t naturally gifted at it.

Many successful photographers don’t have a degree because they already have the talent. However, they may find classes or two helpful in fine-tuned specific aspects of their work.

13. Languages

It’s a wonderful pleasure to learn a language. You get to discover various cultures, get to know new people, and experience the world from a different perspective. Studying languages has have drawbacks, though. Some students shell out thousands of dollars on courses and books in order to learn a handful of words. Others invest years in learning one language before switching to another. Due to the fact that they rarely apply their abilities after graduation, many students feel as though their time and money were wasted.

You can apply for translator positions after you graduate. Technical papers like software manuals are the focus of several businesses. Others write historical or scholarly books or articles. Others concentrate on court records. You will need to develop a number of talents, regardless of the sort of translation you select.

You must first be a native speaker of both languages. Second, you must be knowledgeable about language and style rules. You’ll also need to be aware of cultural variations. You’ll probably need to write well, too, in the end.

You will have additional career alternatives once you graduate from college if you double major in a second subject. For instance, you may major in both Chinese and Finance. You would become more employable as a result for occupations dealing with the Chinese market in the United States, China, and other parts of Asia.

14. Music

Music Degree
Music Degree

A music major might use their spare time to read about music theory, play their instruments, listen to music, write songs, perform at concerts, or create original works. They might play in a band or be a member of an ensemble. Additionally, they might attend lessons on composition or music history.

A double major in music and another field is an option for music students, as is narrowing their attention to a particular area like composition or conducting.

There aren’t many employment prospects for music majors, thus they frequently have trouble finding employment following graduation. If you have musical talent, you might be able to get employment as an orchestra member, conductor, professional musician, or even church choir director. However, those jobs are uncommon, and the majority of music majors find employment as teachers.

Because they lack the abilities required to be successful in other industries, music majors sometimes find it difficult to find employment after graduation. Many of them wind up working as baristas, in fast food restaurants, or in retail establishments. Others go on to become musicians. However, despite the possibility of occasional income, music jobs offer neither permanence nor security.

15. Philosophy

Philosophy majors examine the nature of knowledge, what it means to know something, and how we acquire knowledge. They also examine the evolution of ideas throughout history.

Philosophers like Plato and Aristotle are well-known for their contributions to the area, but today there are many more equally significant fields of study. Socrates, Descartes, Kant, Hume, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and Sartre are among the most distinguished thinkers. These philosophers all contributed to the evolution of contemporary thought.

A philosophy major has numerous job options, however there are fewer employment alternatives than there are positions available. The majority of philosophy majors will pursue teaching positions.

If you intend to major in philosophy, you should also choose a second major that will increase your employment prospects.

16. Psychology

Students of psychology study human behavior and mental processes. They investigate personality traits, emotions, memory, and IQ.

Psychology is taught to students through classroom lectures, laboratory experiments, and clinical practice. In addition, some schools offer courses in forensic science, counseling, and child development as electives.

Psychology majors with only a bachelor’s degree will have difficulty getting employment. Typically, a master’s degree or doctorate is required for employment in psychology. Before choosing on a psychology degree, evaluate your desired career path and the prerequisites.

Read more about Whether a Psychology Degree is Useless

17. Sociology

Sociology is a broad discipline that studies society and culture. Sociologists study groups of people, including families, businesses, organizations, schools, governments, communities, religions, races, cultures, and nations.

Many sociologists focus on the interaction among individuals within groups. Others study the impact of technology on society. Some sociologists are concerned with the effects of globalization on societies. 

A sociology bachelor’s degree will not prepare you for much in the way of sociology careers. You will usually need to earn a master’s degree before pursuing a career in sociology. Another option is to pursue a second major for more job opportunities. 

18. Studio Arts and Fine Art

Studio Art and Fine Arts Degrees
Studio Art and Fine Arts Degrees

The study of art enables students to acquire proficiency in a variety of disciplines, including sculpture, painting, photography, digital media, and graphic design. Ofttimes, art students go on to become artists themselves, whether through teaching or other means.

Photography is an art form requiring both artistic and technical expertise. Others pursue interests other than photography. Numerous individuals enjoy photography as a hobby.

If you choose to earn a degree in an art form, you will have to narrow your options. For instance, if you want to become a painter, you may want to take classes in painting techniques, drawing, and composition. You could also investigate various mediums, such as oil paint, watercolor, acrylics, etc. Once you have determined your area of interest, you can begin researching local institutions that offer programs in that field.

Establishing a consistent career as an artist can be challenging. Numerous aspiring artists cannot support themselves without extra employment. However, if you appreciate art and enjoy creating it, you may be drawn to this field.

19. Theater Arts

Theater arts encompass choreography, acting, directing, playwriting, set construction, costume design, lighting design, and sound design. Most people with degrees in theater arts work in poorly compensated positions. Students who have a theatrical arts degree may think about pursuing a second major.

After graduation, employment is not guaranteed with a theater arts degree. The careers of many pupils include performing, directing, stage managing, costume design, and production design. Compared to occupations in theater arts, these ones require less education and pay more.

A degree in theater arts should be pursued by those who are talented or motivated. These courses will provide you with the requisite abilities. You can also think about enrolling in courses in a different discipline, such as producing, directing, or writing. Try moving up through regional productions if you want to get started right away.

20. Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism students often struggle to find a job after graduation because there isn’t enough demand for their skill set. Many graduates end up working at a travel agency or hotel desk all day long, making less money than they could if they had chosen a different career path.

Others become tour guides or even start their own businesses. Still others go back to school to get another degree. There are also opportunities for those who want to work in the industry, but need additional experience before applying for positions.

If you graduate with a degree in travel and tourism, you’ll likely get an entry level position at a hotel or travel agency. However, if you’re looking to move up to management positions, you’ll need to go back to school. Travel and tourism degrees are not very marketable right out of college because there aren’t many jobs available.

Most Useless Degrees Final Thoughts

You will learn some useful information in those fields of study thanks to these pointless degrees, but they will also have an impact on your employment prospects. The unemployment rates for these degrees are often the greatest.

In some fields, you might be able to find employment with these degrees, but most employers won’t take graduates with degrees in these fields at face value.

The best thing you can do is concentrate on obtaining a degree in a field that will truly be of value to you. In this way, when potential employers look at your resume, they’ll understand what you did in college and how much value you can add.

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Most Useless Degrees FAQs 

What is the most boring degree?

Most people think that Accounting is the most boring degree. Studying tax laws, recording transactions, and calculating profits and losses are certainly important tasks, but they don’t really make many people feel excited about life.

What is the most useful degree?

STEM Degrees are the most useful degrees because they teach you how to apply math, science, and technology to real-world problems. They prepare you for jobs in engineering, medicine, computer programming, and many other fields. You will also learn many valuable skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and communication.

What are the weirdest degrees?

There are some really weird degrees out there, but they must be useful or schools wouldn’t offer them. Some weird majors include: Horology, Ethical Hacking, Baking Science and Technology, Viticulture and Oenology, Air Transport with Helicopter Training, and Brewing and Distilling. 

Are degrees becoming worthless?

However, they are no longer the exclusive route to success in life. College degrees are still significant. Success in business, professions, and entrepreneurship is common among those who did not complete college. If you lack a degree, there are many opportunities available.

The cost of attending college is rising along with tuition at colleges and universities, which reduces the value of degrees relative to that expense. Because earning a degree is now more expensive than ever, students should think carefully about whether the fees are justified.

The highest prestige sign in the past was thought to be a college degree. People are now, however, learning that success isn’t always guaranteed by a college diploma.

After finishing college, many graduates find themselves employed in positions that don’t call for a degree. Rather than working for someone else, some people decide to start their own businesses. Still some people make the decision to follow their passion and start their own business.

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Written by:

Elizabeth Brown
I’m currently at Harvard Medical School. My undergrad was at Stanford University, majoring in Biology. My career goal as a Pre-med student is to become a cardiac surgeon. I’m passionate about working with people — I have a knack for providing the right treatment at the right time. Fun fact, I’m the one that brought everyone together. I met Chris at Stanford and Amy at Harvard! So glad I’m on this journey with them!

1 thought on “Most Useless Degrees To Stay Away From”

  1. I had a combination valve & bypass open heart surgery. We are talking about life or death. My distinct impression was that a cardiologist diagnosed the need for the operation. Then the surgeon performed the task. So basically, it was a cardiologist who called for the surgery and then the cardiac surgeon did it. One person would not do both. So it seems more like a team effort. And when the surgeon performed the operation, there were a number of people (including several surgeons) who assist the main surgeon. In this case, the surgery took 5 hours. In addition to a knack for doing the right thing, I hope you have nerves of steel to get though hours of stress.

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