Is Business a Hard Major? (With Student Quotes)

If you want to start a business career, earning a degree in business is a wise decision. However, is business a difficult major?

You’ll have to become familiar with the fundamentals of accounting, finance, marketing, and other business-related subjects. Additionally, business majors have the chance to minor in a different discipline.

Minors are available at several colleges in subjects like history, psychology, law, and even economics.

Is Business a Hard Majo

Is Business a Hard Major?

It’s not difficult to major in business. In fact, earning a business bachelor’s degree is thought to be among the simpler majors. Although the business courses are lengthy, they do not have a heavy math component and the concepts are not overly difficult or complex.

If you want to work in management, a business major is a great option. You may excel in any industry with a business major. You’ll require a fundamental understanding of accounting, economics, financial markets, and marketing.

Statistics and basic maths are also necessary skills for business students. When working on group projects and studying for tests, these topics are crucial. In addition, essays, research papers, and reports should all be expected of students.

Internships may be a requirement for business majors as well. An internship is a paid position that enables you to obtain real-world experience in your chosen industry.

Knowing what to do and when to do it is a major component of a business degree. The fundamentals of economics, finance, marketing, management, legal, etc. must be understood. However, neither math nor science are truly necessary. Business is more about using common sense and making sure you do things the proper way. Most of the time, all you need to do is learn the material and repeat it to the examiner.

Business majors excel at using their prior knowledge in both familiar (such as accounting) and foreign (such as marketing) environments. Because business is a professional degree, little academic rigor is needed to comprehend the underlying ideas. For some pupils, it can be difficult to apply those ideas to actual situations.

Top-tier colleges typically make their business courses harder by adding more topics, making them more difficult to understand, and giving students more difficult exam problems. Some students perform better when taking more theoretical and conceptual courses, whilst other students prefer classes that place a stronger emphasis on application.

Universities offer a wide variety of electives. Some of them are quite specialized for particular fields, while others are more general. You should select the general elective courses that most interest you. If you already know what you want to study, you can choose from a wide variety of electives.

You might enroll in courses in marketing, advertising, social media, etc., for instance, if you enjoy marketing. On the other side, if you want to study entrepreneurship, you might enroll in classes in business management, finance, law, economics, etc.

Accounting and Finance Reports
Accounting and Finance Reports

Can I Major in Business if I am Bad at Math?

Business majors require a lot of math, but the level and complexity isn’t too high. As a business major, you will need to take economics, accounting, finance, marketing, management, operations research, and supply chain management classes. 

Most students start out with basic algebra and geometry. Then they move onto trigonometry, calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, statistics, discrete math, combinatorics, graph theory, optimization, and other topics. Some schools offer additional courses in advanced topics like numerical analysis and differential equations.

Business majors also need to understand financial accounting, economics, marketing, finance, and management. These subjects often overlap with each other, making it hard to choose what to focus on.

If you’re looking to get more refresher courses in math, there are many online resources. Check out courses on Coursera and YouTube.

Types of Business Majors

The distinction between a business administration degree and a business management degree is one aspect of business degrees that needs to be made clear.

Making sure your business works smoothly is what business administration is all about. You will be responsible for overseeing all area of running your business, including sales, marketing, finance, production, and customer service. It emphasizes business strategy and enhancing a company’s operational effectiveness.

Dealing with interpersonal interactions with clients and within your team is the main focus of business management.

The more well-rounded of the two degrees that will better prepare you for any future employment chances is business administration, which is the most popular degree at prestigious colleges.

Your interest in a certain line of work will determine the course you should pursue. A business administration degree is what you should pursue if you want to start your own small firm.

What are the Hardest Business Majors?

The top business schools may offer separate business majors in various subjects or concentrations, but all provide a Bachelor of Business Administration. Depending on the type of degree or specialty you select, business degrees might differ significantly.

John Hsu received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Georgia Tech. He said at Georgia Tech, they have concentrations in:

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • General Management
  • Information Technology Management
  • Leadership and Organizational Change
  • Marketing
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Strategy and Innovation

Some of the hardest Business major concentrations in the business school include: 

1. Finance

Finance is a popular concentration because of the high-paying job opportunities in the future after graduation, and finance isn’t just about managing money.

Finance also includes other aspects like investing, taxes, accounting, and banking. These topics aren’t easy to grasp at first, but if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you’ll be rewarded with an exciting career.

Read more about How Hard the Finance Major is.

2. Accounting

Any entrepreneur must possess a solid understanding of accounting. It is an essential part of managing your own business, and if you are unfamiliar with it, you can be losing out on chances to expand your enterprise. Another excellent way to enter the profession of finance is through accounting.

Accounting comes in numerous forms, such as bookkeeping, tax preparation, auditing, and financial reporting. Each sort of accounting has certain knowledge and skill requirements.

Learn more in this in-depth guide to How Hard an Accounting Major Is.

3. Economics

Although understanding economics isn’t difficult, it does take time and effort to master it to the point where you can earn a degree in economics. When studying economics, it’s also important to consider how money affects society and each of us as individuals.

Microeconomics and macroeconomics are the two subfields of economics. They might be minors or focuses, so you’d finish with a specific certificate, depending on the school you attend.

Even though economics is a complex subject, it becomes clear why everyone should study it once you grasp its fundamental principles. People will begin to comprehend how various economies and events shape the world.

Read more about Whether an Economics Degree is Worth It.

4. Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a skill that needs to be learned nowadays as the world turns online. The multiple ways that anyone can create their own online and/or small business is numerous.

There are many different paths to entrepreneurship, but all require a certain amount of risk and uncertainty. Students should understand that there will always be challenges along the way, and that they may fail at times. But if they keep trying and remain resilient, they will succeed.

5. Management Science

In this new field, there is an emphasis on statistics, math, and possibly computers. There is also a focus on solving the strategic and logistical issues of a company by looking at the data.

Financial Reports
Financial Reports

What are the Easiest Business Majors?

Some of the Business major concentrations are easier than others:

1. Human Resources

Any organization has to have strong human resources. Companies can better manage their personnel and make sure they are getting the most out of it thanks to this. HR specialists assist with the hiring of new employees, providing ongoing training for current employees, resolving customer service issues, and monitoring all employment-related laws.

In addition to other disciplines like accounting, economics, finance, marketing, and law, you will also need to take office management and psychology.

Student majors in human resource management are equipped to work in the human resources field. Any corporation with a human resources department may hire HRM graduates as entry-level staff members.

They support the administration of benefits plans, payroll, and other HR-related tasks. Working closely with executives and managers is a common requirement for these roles. When compared to many other occupations, the work-life balance in human resources departments is frequently high.

2. Marketing

The act of promoting your company’s name, goods, services, and/or concepts to consumers is known as marketing. It covers everything, from developing a presence online to using social media to advertise.

Making sure you have the appropriate tools at your disposal to reach your target audience is another aspect of marketing. Not only what you say matters, but also how you say it.

Marketing majors receive degrees similar to those mentioned above. They can launch their own enterprises or work in internal marketing departments at companies thanks to these degrees.

Social media marketers concentrate on leveraging social media platforms to promote businesses and products, whereas digital marketing specialists concentrate on online marketing strategies. The art of finding leads and turning them into clients is the specialty of lead generators.

3. Organizational Leadership

Many universities are adding organizational leadership as a major. The fundamentals of effective leadership, such as team building, conflict resolution, and communication, are thoroughly covered by students who study organizational leadership.

These students also get knowledge of the many leadership roles, including managers, supervisors, and coaches. The desire to work as consultants, trainers, or facilitators influences a lot of students to major in organizational leadership.

4. International Business

International Business majors take many courses that teach them about international relations and policies, giving them the opportunity to eventually work with many different nations. Many of the courses require students to read books and articles about a variety of countries and cultures, sometimes even written in other languages.

Students might also have the opportunity to study a foreign language during their time at college. These skills will be very useful in a variety of careers that involve international business, including logistics manager, marketing manager, or even a business developer.

Is a Business Degree Useless?

Business degrees are often considered worthless because they don’t teach students enough about any single topic. However, if you choose your major and focus concentration wisely, you may be able to get a job after graduation that will fulfill you.

For example, if you major in marketing, you will likely need to understand sales, advertising, and customer service. If you major in accounting, you will need to know basic bookkeeping, taxes, and financial statements. Business degrees are also valuable when combined with other degrees. For instance, an MBA can help you become a more effective leader and off you better job prospects.

A business degree is a very broad one. You will study a lot of different fields, but you won’t master any of them. As a consequence, you will not have in-depth knowledge about any specific field. Therefore, you will need to specialize in other areas like marketing, finance, accounting etc. to get a job in the real world.

If you choose to double major, you will need to take additional classes to complete your degree. However, if you start your second major before completing your first, you can still graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

Double majors are not easy to complete because you’re taking many more specialized classes. However, students who double major often end up doing very well financially, since employers prefer business students with multiple degrees and expanded knowledge.

business Administration Degrees
business Administration Degrees

Is a Business Major Right for Me?

What you want to do with your life fully determines the answer to this question.

Starting their own company and being an entrepreneur appeal to certain people. Others want to work for significant businesses or institutions. Others adore working for themselves and operating small businesses.

Those who pursue a business degree have access to a wide range of job options. Finding the path that best suits your personality and interests is the most crucial step.

One of the more versatile college majors in terms of what people do after graduation is business. Nearly any industry offers opportunities for students to make a successful life.

You can develop the analytical abilities required to manage a successful corporation by earning a business degree. You’ll discover how to organize and put methods to boost profitability into action. Additionally, you’ll learn how to interact with stakeholders such as colleagues, clients, and suppliers.

A business degree can be your best choice if you want to work for a startup. A business degree, however, might not be the best choice if you already have a job and wish to progress within your existing position.

Is Business a Hard Major? Final Thoughts

Business degrees aren’t usually that hard, but the major can be an excellent option if you want to start your own firm. You’ll receive a thorough introduction to every facet of operating a business, such as management, marketing, finance, and accounting.

Business degrees also help prepare students for business graduate school and jobs after graduation.

Learn more about other college degrees in these articles: 

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Written by:

Chris Wood
I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Stanford University. I’ve been working as a Software Engineer for the past 5 years. While working in this field I’ve had the pleasure of developing software in a wide variety of industries. I look forward to using my experience in order to find a role where I can utilize my creativity and passion for solving complex software engineering problems.