Is Math Major Hard? (With Student Quotes)

Do you intend to major in mathematics? Do you enjoy formulas and numbers?

But is studying for and pursuing a math major hard? Due of its complexity, math majors frequently experience academic difficulties.

The fantastic thing for math majors is that employers are really interested in hiring them. These degrees also pay quite well.

This article will cover a variety of topics, including what a math major entails, what to expect to study, if earning a math degree is worthwhile, and more.

I’ve asked some math majors at prestigious universities to provide their perspectives as well.

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What Is a Mathematics Major?

Mathematics is studied in many different forms by math majors, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, probability, etc. The primary objective of a math major is to develop mathematical thinking skills.

Pure mathematics and applied mathematics are the two subcategories of mathematics offered as a major.

Pure mathematics is less useful than applied mathematics. The goal of applied mathematicians is to use mathematical models or ideas to resolve practical issues. For instance, an applied mathematician might apply mathematics to forecast stock prices or estimate traffic flow.

Numbers, sets, functions, graphs, topology, and other abstract ideas are the focus of pure mathematics. Due to their emphasis on abstractions rather than practical applications, pure mathematicians are frequently referred to as “theoretical.”

A person who studies number theory or graph theory is an illustration of a pure mathematician. If you like movies, watch the performances of Matt Damon in “Good Will Hunting” and Russell Crowe in “A Beautiful Mind” – both portraying pure mathematicians.

Looking at the two distinct jobs for which a math major will be prepared will help you understand the differences between these two sorts of math.

An applied mathematician applies their mathematical expertise to issues in other disciplines. They could work for businesses, governmental bodies, academic institutions, or any other group in need of assistance. Cryptography code breaking falls under this.

A pure mathematician need not have any background in the subjects or businesses they work in. They merely seek an understanding of the underlying idea. Many pure mathematicians decide to work in research instead of becoming professors, but some do.

Is a Math Degree Hard?

The subject of math is really challenging. Not merely remembering mathematics and formulas is necessary. It also aims to improve your capacity for problem-solving, abstract thought, and critical thought. It takes a lot of work, dedication, and time to earn a math degree.

In fact, aside from a few of the scientific sciences, the NCES reports that the mathematics major has the greatest rate of transfers out of the major.

In math, numbers are not everything. Also involved are logic and reasoning. You must comprehend both what you are doing and why you are doing it. For proofs, you must adhere to a rigid set of procedures in a predetermined sequence. When writing proofs, you must carefully and logically evaluate each step.

Because creating proofs requires them to apply their analytical abilities, math majors frequently enjoy the process. However, a lot of students detest arithmetic because they believe they will never truly “understand” it.

High levels of anxiousness have been reported among college students pursuing mathematics degrees. The hardest classes they took for their degree, according to many STEM students, included calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and numerical analysis.

Even though math can be challenging, there are many advantages to getting a degree in the subject if you’re ready to work hard. It’ll be worth the hard work and you’ll learn useful skills that will benefit you all through your life.

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Common Courses for Math Majors

For those looking to obtain a mathematics bachelor’s degree, several universities offer a wide range of courses. These can vary depending on your area of math specialization:

Mathematics – Students who choose this option can enroll in courses in all branches of mathematics. The learner can choose the topic that best appeals to them.

Mathematical Sciences – Students who want to study subjects that are more closely related to one another can choose mathematical sciences. Student focus areas could include discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, mathematical modeling, or operations research.

Applied Mathematics – Applied mathematics is an option for students who are interested in applying their math skills to real-world issues. Examples include mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, economics, biology, and medicine.

Probability and Statistics – Probability and statistics are two tools used to analyze data. Students learn data collection, organization, and analysis techniques in this course.

Numerical Analysis – Numerical analysis entails using numerical techniques to identify solutions to systems of equations.

Pure Mathematics – Mathematics without any applications is known as pure mathematics. Pure mathematics examines abstract ideas and theories.

Combinatorial and Graph Theory – The links between sets and graphs are the focus of combinatorial and graph theory.

Differential Equations – Solving ordinary and partial differential equations is a component of solving differential equations.

Linear Algebra – Vectors, matrices, and tensor products are the main topics of linear algebra.

Is a Math Degree Worth It Or Not?

A mathematics degree can be a great choice for you if you enjoy math. You might end up working a profession where math is used every day if you perform well in school.

One should pursue a degree in mathematics for a variety of reasons while in college:

  1. A math degree will, first and foremost, considerably improve your employment. There are numerous professions that need a solid understanding of math. You could work as an analyst, researcher, programmer, scientist, mathematician, or engineer.
  2. Second, you’ll have a lot of possibilities for continuing your education if you have a math degree. A math master’s will put you ahead of other students if you wish to pursue a vocation that calls for a master’s degree.
  3. Thirdly, you’ll develop your analytical and critical thinking abilities with a math degree. Math will teach you how to approach problems logically and analytically.
  4. Fourth, programming and problem-solving skills will improve with a degree in mathematics. Coding and problem solving are necessary for many careers. If you have a background in arithmetic, you’ll be able to handle such obstacles with ease.
  5. Finally, having a math degree will enable you to appreciate the value of math in engineering, science, and other fields. The cornerstone of the sciences is frequently math. Physics, chemistry, biology, and even engineering are difficult to understand without a strong foundation in mathematics.

You have great employment options in a wide range of fields if you major in mathematics. A mathematics major is employable in a wide range of fields thanks to their analytical thinking and critical thinking abilities.

It can be challenging to learn math. It calls for a great deal of determination, perseverance, and focus. It will take a lot of time and effort for you to finish college. Studying mathematics, however, can be the appropriate choice for you if you enjoy numbers and problems.

Read the related, in-depth article – Is a Math Degree Worth It?

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Is a Math Degree Useless?

A highly important subject is math. It is one of the things that everyone should study because it is so crucial. The basis of science and technology is math.

Without arithmetic, it would be impossible for us to comprehend many of the wonders in the world around us. It plays a significant role in both engineering and architecture. Even though there are numerous varieties of arithmetic, practically all of them are necessary to obtain employment.

The number of transferable abilities you learn will have a significant impact on how valuable your math major will be. There aren’t many occupations that just need a math degree and nothing more.

However, math majors can improve their employability by learning statistics, mechanics, programming, finance, accounting, and business management.

What Can I Do with a Mathematics Major?

You don’t necessarily have to work in a field related to mathematics. A person who studies mathematics can pursue any number of careers. Some examples include:

  • Computer Programmer – Most computer programs are written using mathematical formulas or algorithms.
  • Engineer – Engineers use mathematics to design buildings, bridges, roads, and everything else that goes into making our world function.
  • Scientist – Scientists use mathematics to analyze data from experiments and observations. They use statistics to determine whether their theories are correct.
  • Physicist – Physics is based on mathematics. For example, physicists use calculus to model motion and predict the behavior of objects.
  • Mathematician – Mathematicians use mathematics to solve problems in areas like geometry, algebra, probability, and topology.
  • Professor – Becoming a professor or teacher will usually require a master’s degree and probably a Ph.D. as well to teach at the top universities and schools. 
  • Teacher – Pairing it with a teaching degree will allow you to teach high school math. 

Is it Hard to Find a Job With a Math Degree?

There are many various kinds of occupations and jobs available. Some are managerial positions, while others are technical or administrative. Before you start looking for a job, you need to decide what you want to do.

Consider a profession in accounting or finance if you’re interested in working in an office setting. If technology is more your thing, you might want to try your hand at web design or software development.

If you enjoy working with numbers, you might want to choose a career as a mathematician, statistician, or actuary.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that math graduates earn some of the best wages. Holders of math degrees typically make $98,680 annually.

Matt Williams, Math Major with concentration in Pure Mathematics at Georgia Tech, says his options with his math degree were to: 

  1. Continue his studies, get his Ph.D. and teach at a university. 
  2. Get his Ph.D. and go into working for the government – think NSA and military. 
  3. Continue his studies and work toward a Ph.D., but then drop out to start a company. The Google founders are a classic example of this. 

Dave Stahl, a Math Major from Stanford says “I develop algorithms for an AI company. I also have friends who started their own software companies, as well as those who go into further research in mathematics.” 

Advanced Math Calculus

Are Math Majors Smart?

Typically, math majors have high intelligence and considered very smart by those around them. The theory underlying the subject as well as practical application are two things that math majors need to be able to comprehend. They must be smart, have excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, and be skilled with numbers.

They are rapid and simple learners of new things. Compared to students studying in other fields, they typically have a stronger aptitude for problem solving.

In order to thrive in a math major, these students must also be incredibly tenacious and determined.

One of the most challenging academic disciplines is math. A lot of focus and effort are needed.

When it comes to admissions to math degree programs, many colleges are extremely picky. High academic standards and a passion for math are required of students.

But not every intelligent kid will succeed in the math major program. This implies that a large number of intelligent students may also be rejected from or fail the math program.

Is Math Major Hard? Final Thoughts

There’s no doubt, math is challenging. But if you’re prepared to work hard and put in the time, you’ll discover that studying math is worthwhile.

Remembering that math is more than just completing long division problems and solving equations is crucial. More than that is involved. Our daily activities involve math. Math is incredibly important in all fields, including engineering, health, science, and business.

Therefore, regardless of whether you choose to major in math or not, be sure not to pass up this intriguing field because it is challenging.

Learn more about related fields of study: 

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Written by:

Chris Wood
I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Stanford University. I’ve been working as a Software Engineer for the past 5 years. While working in this field I’ve had the pleasure of developing software in a wide variety of industries. I look forward to using my experience in order to find a role where I can utilize my creativity and passion for solving complex software engineering problems.