Is a Math Degree Worth It? (With Student Quotes)

 It takes a lot of effort to earn a math degree. If you’re thinking about getting a math degree, make sure it’s worthwhile because it’s one of the most challenging majors to get at many universities.

How valuable is a math degree? Is it worthwhile spending all that time studying for it?

This article will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of a math degree and examine its value. I also enquired of a few math-educated friends whether they felt that their education helped or hindered them.

Advanced Math Calculus

Is a Math Degree Worth It?

It’s worth getting a math degree, no doubt! Jobs in practically every field are open to holders of math degrees. Your employment prospects will be considerably improved with a math degree. There are numerous professions that need a solid understanding of math. You could work as an analyst, researcher, programmer, scientist, mathematician, or engineer.

You can still apply for many positions if you have a math degree even if it is not necessary. However, if you have a degree in mathematics, you do have an advantage over those without such degrees.

There has been a significant increase in the need for qualified workers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines over the previous ten years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the usual median salary for STEM careers is $95,420, and employment possibilities in these fields are expected to increase by 10.5% annually.

STEM careers pay well and provide many benefits, but they also need a high level of expertise.

With a math degree, you’ll have a lot of possibilities for continuing your education. A math master’s will put you ahead of other students if you wish to pursue a vocation that calls for a master’s degree.

You’ll develop your analytical and critical thinking abilities with a degree in math. Math will teach you how to approach problems logically and analytically.

You can improve your programming and problem-solving skills by getting a degree in math. Due to their love of numbers and equations, many programmers and engineers begin their careers as mathematicians.

Although challenging, math may also be rewarding. Math studies demand a significant amount of effort and commitment. However, studying math can be the correct choice for you if you enjoy solving difficult puzzles and feel like you’re doing so every time you get stuck.

Math Calculations on Board

Is a Math Degree Useless?

A math degree is a highly helpful resource when looking for employment. A highly important subject is math. It serves as the basis for numerous other sciences. It aids in our understanding of how the cosmos functions. It also aids with problem solving. The skills are valued by employers.

You may use the critical abilities you gain while pursuing a math degree in just about any situation. These abilities will help you get a job in practically any industry.

Statistics, programming, mechanics, finance, accounting, and even business are all subjects that math majors might study. These abilities will aid them in finding employment in any sector. In addition to becoming web developers, game designers, and software engineers, math majors can also learn how to code.

How Hard Will it Be to Find a Job With a Math Degree?

People with a degree in mathematics have many work options. For their skills, math majors are in demand. Employers give them a high level of value.

Those with a passion for science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and even business should consider majoring in mathematics. A solid mathematical background is often required by businesses to assist with issue solving.

From established businesses to start-ups, these businesses span the spectrum. These organizations include Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, IBM, Intel, and NASA, to name a few. There are numerous opportunities even though there aren’t many math jobs out there.

Matt Kurtzman, MS in Applied Mathematics at Columbia University, says that “Mathematicians have a unique ability to see patterns and relationships in data.” This puts them in a good position for jobs as a statistician or analyst. He adds that “They also have a knack for communicating complex ideas effectively.”

Carl Stagliano, BA in Mathematics at Harvard University, says his math degree “helped me be able to switch careers whenever I felt like changing. I’ve worked with robotics, digital automotive circuits, software systems, ultrasonic transducers, and microscopes.” 

Steve Lowman, MS in Mathematics at Georgia Tech, worked in visual effects for films. He says many technologies that are being created and innovated in the entertainment industry need lots of math majors. For example, “Music design and audio processing involve a lot of math. The software used to create CG effects, like Houdini, Maya, Nuke, and Blender all require a heavy dose of math.” 

Getting a math degree will help you get jobs in a wide range of industries. There’s no limit on what you can do with a math degree.

Film Visual Effects and Animation

Is it Hard to Get a Math Degree?

Although learning arithmetic is challenging, if you enjoy riddles and discovering new things, learning math could be enjoyable.

Math is a challenging subject since it is theoretical, abstract, builds on prior concepts, has numerous ideas, and is challenging for pupils to understand. The majority of the arithmetic you learn in primary school is useful and simple to use.

However, mathematics grows more abstract as you age. Numbers, fractions, decimals, ratios, and proportions, as well as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, probability, polynomials, exponents, logarithms, exponential functions, inverse functions, and other topics, will all be covered in this course.

All of these subjects are linked and dependent on one another. The other topics cannot be appropriately applied if one is not grasped. For instance, you cannot comprehend what a logarithm is if you do not comprehend what an exponent means.

Any engineer, scientist, architect, programmer, or artist has to know math. Whether you’re a student, a parent, or just trying to comprehend how the world operates, math is helpful in everyday life.

Algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, probability, discrete mathematics, and linear algebra are only a few of the numerous varieties of math. If you want to advance in your chosen field, you must learn all of them.

Many people pursuing math degrees say they experience a lot of stress while in college. Calculus II, Differentiable Equations, Linear Algebras, and Numerical Analyses are some of the most difficult classes for math majors.

Read a more in-depth discussion in this post – Is a Math Degree Hard?

Is a Math Degree Worth It? Final Thoughts

All things considered, a math degree is worth pursuing. If math is your major, you’ll have a ton of opportunities after graduation.You don’t even need to become a pure mathematician either because you’ll have skills that will apply to many industries.

A math degree will provide you the edge you need to be successful whether you decide to work in engineering, science, medicine, business, law, education, or another industry.

Read more about other degrees: 

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Written by:

Chris Wood
I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Stanford University. I’ve been working as a Software Engineer for the past 5 years. While working in this field I’ve had the pleasure of developing software in a wide variety of industries. I look forward to using my experience in order to find a role where I can utilize my creativity and passion for solving complex software engineering problems.